Day 6 - Making in Half the Time

Today’s action is to make your video half the duration of the last one (yes!). Before you press record, review your script and ask 'does this really convey the message?' and 'what can I subtract?'. And don't forget you can remove clips when editing too, so only keep what's needed!

To help you we've a FREE E-BOOK outlining exactly how to do it, grab yours at the link below :)

Today's Actions

  • Create a video that's half the duration of your last one

  • ​Share your video in the Facebook group and tell us how it, how you did it and what you're most proud of

"Day 5, woo hoo! Pleased to have created my half length reel today by really focussing on my script and cutting out where I'm doubling up. Here it is would love your feedback!"

👇 Case Study 👇

How Avery Got 2 Million Views in 7 Weeks with Reels Millionaire